A Passing Glimpse

tooth fairies and other things to believe in by admin

©2011 gary garbett.com

In some aspects, I've not strayed very far from the little boy I was many years ago. I still believe in the tooth fairy, love, G.I. Joe, and that a brand new pair of sneakers make me run faster and jump higher.

Looking back, probably the biggest difference is that my heroes today don't wear capes or emblazoned snazzy letters with lightning bolts on their chests. I’ve never seen them wear utility belts either. But I can always count on their lyrical poetics of the human soul and a few guitar strings to save me from the deepest wretches of my worst nemesis.

My days are now more layered. They offer me more, including those things I believe in.

collecting minutes by admin

©2011 gary garbett.com
I collect them.

The great and unusual ones I gently place each in a mason jar. On occasion, I'll toss in a twig, a few glass marbles, and just for luck, a tarnished Indian head penny. Always making sure they can breathe, I carefully puncture five random holes in the lid with a rusty nail and an old wooden handled hammer. Not to large, but not small either.

I'm careful to protect them, because if they die, they may never be mine again.

I collect them.