Returned Goodness / by admin

Zero’s Ride Home

Zero’s Ride Home

I'm not usually one that reads too terribly much into patterns or numbers. Common human nature though seems to look for signs, especially when turning over a New Year. Yesterday was a prime example. I found two like new Polaroid cameras at two different thrift stores on day two of this New Year. It was clearly a sign, so I was left with no other option than to add them to my collection.

Today, I adopted a new member into our family. The two of us met several months ago while I was hanging an art exhibition. Little did I know on that hot summer day in August that he and I would be taking a car ride together on January 3. As I write this, he and our other two dogs (that makes three on day three of January) are sitting in my office together, getting acquainted, and chatting about our new family.

New Years always have a tendency to offer us fresh beginnings. Both are incredibly healthy and provide a way to look forward while at the same time allowing us the opportunity to recharge from our pasts. On January 1, the idea of adding a few more cameras or another love to our family by the end of the week was the furthest thing from my mind. Things just happen some times. Out of the blue. I’ve always believed in the idea of making good of those things around you. In return, they'll find a genuine way to return that goodness back to you.

Looking Back One Year Later | January 3, 2014

The photo above was taken just minutes after Zero and I were headed home for the very first time. I think he was a little unsure of all of this new stuff. It was a big day for him... a new home; a full vet exam with poking, prodding and shots; a new family with other dogs and cats; a new bed with new toys; and a huge ginormous yard in the country for running and playing. He fit right in and became part of our family immediately.

There hasn't been a day over the past year when I haven't laughed out loud countless times because of his goodness and love for life. He was my coach and cheerleader during the past year of my middle aged graduate school thesis writing. He'd often lay in my home study with his belly to the sky and take a nap as I typed and edited and typed some more. And then unexpectedly, he'd surprise me with a big eyed stare, a paw on my lap, and a soggy toy. I needed those breaks and he knew it.

This little guy is such a joy to my world. I can tell the feeling is mutual for him as well. He is one happy boy. Happy Unbirthday to my best, best Buddy. I love this guy.