Days filled with unexpected moments are centering and soul healthy. There's great peace with those sorts of days, but I'll be the first to admit that I'm not very accomplished with adding them to my waking hours. The day is young, but so far I'm relishing in a day of the unplanned. From the looks of that word, my day even includes vocabulary invention.
It's been a winging it kind of day. One that's already included a casual morning drive to the landfill, sharing a good conversation or two, a breakfast biscuit, several cups of freshly ground coffee, good morning kisses from the pups, picking remnants of the season's garden tomatoes and herbs in the rain, and listening to Bruce Spingsteen's The River on vinyl.
I have few plans to overly detail the balance of my day. Short of finalizing this blog entry, refilling my now half empty coffee mug, and preparing a plate of southern tradition fried green tomatoes for dinner, something I haven't done in years, my day has no real agenda. And today, I'm perfectly fine with that.