25mm pancake

senses of a roadside's frost by admin

©2011 gary garbett.com
After stopping on the shoulder of the road, I stepped from the idling truck with my camera in tow. It was a damn cold morning. My subjects didn't seem to mind. I carefully framed and captured a few images. Pulling on my scarf to tighten it around my neck, I opened the door, feeling and smelling the welcome of heat.

eyes on the road by admin

©2011 gary garbett.com

I drove several miles yesterday, perhaps even more than usual. Just seems like a standard when you live in a rural area. I always seem to find an inner calm during those drives. Usually it's just me and the music, getting lost in the moment as I pass the road markings like falling dominoes.

I'm not sure why, but yesterday was just a little bit different. I listened to the quiet instead. Between that and the whistling of the fresh air making it's way through slightly lowered windows, it seemed like I drove farther than those miles I left behind me in the rear view mirror. These healthy places find me far more often than they use to.