A Passing Glimpse

battened hatches, stones, and hurricanes by admin

©2011 gary garbett.com

With the coming of Irene, I battened down the hatches. My hunkering down in my home office with a piping cup of French Roast, a bubbling lava lamp, the Rolling Stones in Exile documentary, and the pups resting at my feet with their favorite cookies is a true test of nerves.

I'm thinking of all of my friends in the Tidewater and coastal areas. Be safe and better yet… be smart.

shake, rattle, and rock and roll by admin

©2011 gary garbett.com

For the first time in my half century of living, I experienced the earth physically move by her own will yesterday. All by herself, she quivered and rattled everything around me as I sat in cubicle 3-02R on the third floor. Like everyone around me, I paused everything I was working on, then quickly grabbed my camera and computer bags and made my way down the stairwell and out of the building. Within minutes of the movement, I read posts of a 5.8 magnitude earthquake reported on Twitter.

Upon arriving home two hours after the quake, just 20 miles from the epicenter, all appeared fine with exception to the hanging artwork throughout the house which had shifted and a few cupboard and cabinet doors had flung open. Our dogs and cats, who always greet us happily when we arrive, were very vocal, frantic, and far happier than normal to see us. Aftershocks of 2.8, 2.2, and 4.2 followed.

I discovered the greatest casualty this morning as I walked into my studio. My vintage G.I. Joes, Ace Frehley, and Paul Stanley dolls were sprawled on the floor, six to eight feet from the place they usually perch while watching and guarding the studio. The horror and senselessness was moving, much like yesterday afternoon.

two day beard, ear candy, and smiling puppies by admin

©2011 gary garbett.com

Yesterday welcomed me to a relaxing evening. I spent hours with my turntable while reacquainting myself with some favorite listens including Captain Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy, Katy Lied, Red Rose Speedway, Pretenders II, Night Moves, and The River.

The pups, who are always entertaining, were even more so as they showed off for cookies while I experimented with blurred self portraits in low light and a two day beard. Saturdays are always good. This one was exceptional.