
man of substance by admin

©2011 gary

Yesterday I met one of the richest persons I've ever known.

Douglas Moody is the shoeshine man at the Richmond International Airport. There were few travelers in the terminal as I passed by his stand in the afternoon, but his smile was welcoming and better yet, real. I was compelled to stop... just to say hello. The two of us chatted and laughed for a moment. His words were genuine and in between bites of his Almond Joy, he offered me his $7 shine for $5. He explained it as his "slow day" special. I wasn't really interested in shining my old Dr. Martens, but I knew at that price, the time with Mr. Moody would be worth every dollar. How could I possibly go wrong?

He gave my old docs one hell of a shine, but his tale about how to be a good man and an honest person really polished my soul. He was also quick to offer repeatedly just how much he loved his wife. His baseball cap pretty much said it all. Man of Faith.

As he finished shining my shoes, he wrapped up his story. Another customer then walked up and waited for a shine. Saturday was getting just a little bit busier for Mr. Moody and just as he had minutes earlier, he welcomed it all with his sincere smile. I handed him a $10 bill, told him to keep it, and thanked him for the special.

You're a rich soul, Mr. Douglas Moody. For a small $10 investment, I walked away a little richer myself, ...and with shiny shoes. Thank you again.

running into keith richards by admin

©2011 gary

I ran into Keith Richards today at the Richmond International Airport. He was lighting up in a no smoking area and standing next to George W.

I had already planned to watch the Wizard of Oz today, using the famed Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon ethereal soundtrack method. My airport run in raised the days experience a rung or two. I think it's time to light the fireplace and pop some corn.

fourteen going on three hundred and some by admin

©2011 gary

Fourteen days into this new daily photo blog thing and I'm already thirty-one posts deep. My cameras have become as essential to my day as carrying my wallet. Come to think of it, they may even be more so. I always have them with me. We've become quite the trifecta. People are beginning to talk.

Thanks for following along and if you haven't done so, feel free to share the love of a passing glimpse.

exit by admin

©2011 gary

A simple view from the hallway that leads me back to my desk. The stairwell offers an exit to the alley and urban humanity.

My desk offers me a playground of fantastic computer graphic design, filmmaking, and photographic tools; an endless cup of coffee; and earbuds for all of my hours of favorite online radio station listening.

By choice, I rarely use the exit.