
Words of Genuine by admin

Today marks one week since I returned to days of habit after my ten-day retreat to the Blue Ridge Mountains of Southwest Virginia. Every time I return to that area, I locate a special sense of soul rejuvenation. This year was a bit different than previous years. Rather than hitting the road for a daily dose of off the beaten path exploratory field trips, I anchored myself to the cabin by the lake for a week.

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A Morning of Levels by admin

I sipped coffee by the lake this morning just to process this day infamously and always to be known as 9/11. Sitting in the Blue Ridge sunshine, I remembered watching the events of that morning. It remains a day of horrors as the world changed and unfolded minute by minute. Despite the ugliness of the day, the heroes were the winners - the coworkers, the bystanders, the emergency response personnel, the nurses, the single parents, the teachers, the rich, the poor, the hurting, and the Average Joe.

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Valued Upbringing by admin

Pouring a fresh cup of coffee, I thought about my morning discoveries. None of them really came as a surprise. I’ve always been respectful, protective, and frugal with my belongings. I’m certain that my Daddy had something to do with that. He was a tinkerer. Not for the hobby of it, but as a means to keep things working. We were a working class family, which doesn’t mean we didn’t have nice things. We just didn’t have an abundance of them. What we had, we took care of because disposable was not in our vocabulary.

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Analog and Moms by admin

Ripen Fast

Ripen Fast

The black and white image above was taken with the first Polaroid camera I ever owned, a classic folding leather covered SX-70 Sonar. I found the camera last summer at a rural roadside yard sale while on my way to visit Mom for her birthday. Our celebration for Mom's big day included homemade ice cream and live music at a small hometown waterside street festival. It was a fantastic way to celebrate her day.

Ripen Fast

Ripen Fast

The color image was taken on the same day as the SX-70 photo. It was taken using my 1963 100 series Polaroid Land Camera soon after I finished repairing the shutter release mechanism. Bringing this camera back to life was thrilling.

Analog, Moms, and homemade ice cream are just beyond fab.