olympus epl-1

summer eats draw closer to close by admin

©2011 gary garbett.com

Following Irene's rage along the east coast yesterday, much of today was spent cleaning up remnants from her path. Afterwards I picked what few vegetables were ready from our garden. Our crop is certainly thinning and the plants are beginning their fade to their autumn camouflage. The summer days are getting shorter, but the food is still fresh for the time being.

shake, rattle, and rock and roll by admin

©2011 gary garbett.com

For the first time in my half century of living, I experienced the earth physically move by her own will yesterday. All by herself, she quivered and rattled everything around me as I sat in cubicle 3-02R on the third floor. Like everyone around me, I paused everything I was working on, then quickly grabbed my camera and computer bags and made my way down the stairwell and out of the building. Within minutes of the movement, I read posts of a 5.8 magnitude earthquake reported on Twitter.

Upon arriving home two hours after the quake, just 20 miles from the epicenter, all appeared fine with exception to the hanging artwork throughout the house which had shifted and a few cupboard and cabinet doors had flung open. Our dogs and cats, who always greet us happily when we arrive, were very vocal, frantic, and far happier than normal to see us. Aftershocks of 2.8, 2.2, and 4.2 followed.

I discovered the greatest casualty this morning as I walked into my studio. My vintage G.I. Joes, Ace Frehley, and Paul Stanley dolls were sprawled on the floor, six to eight feet from the place they usually perch while watching and guarding the studio. The horror and senselessness was moving, much like yesterday afternoon.

fortunes of good graces by admin

©2011 gary garbett.com

I had a visit from UPS yesterday. It was a fabulous day. In addition to the driver and I having a really great conversation about living healthy, family, and attempting to outlive the short lifespan of our "passed away far too young" fathers, he also delivered my new Olympus E-5. My two crazy, life loving pups ran around the yard showing off as the two of us stood in the gravel lane and talked for several minutes. After about five minutes and with more deliveries on his route to make, we brought our talk to a close. I thanked him, shook his hand, and returned the favor by sending him away with a package... a bag of freshly picked tomatoes from my garden.

An hour or so later, I received a phone call from a longtime friend who I hadn't spoken with since her husband's memorial service last year. I'd been thinking about her quite a lot lately and it sounded like she's been moving forward with things pretty well since we last spoke. During our conversation, she asked if I could visit sometime to assist her with some computer issues she's been having. Without even looking at my calendar, I asked if today would work for her. I'll be stopping by to see her on my drive home from the office this afternoon. I may even pack a bag of tomatoes for my visit.

I scouted and reviewed the reports on my new camera for nearly a year before finally making the purchase. It really is a beauty and a phenomenal piece of equipment, but with all of my anticipation of it's arrival, it just wasn't the highlight of my Wednesday. It delights me at how the little things like a brown bag filled with garden picked tomatoes or a jar of homemade pickles can soothe the soul. Combined with a few minutes of genuine, honest conversation and you have something far more valuable than any cardboard box could ever hold. Sincerity is simply golden.