
Reflecting on the Visual Storytellers by admin

In preparation for writing this reflection, I took some time to reflect on what this course has meant to me as an instructor. In short and technically, the course was truly not much different than most other courses. That simply being: complete assignments to earn credit.

Since each of my students was asked to cover the same event, I requested one thing from each of them from the start of the semester… to just share their story.

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Signs by admin


My morning hours were decorated with signs of all kinds.

From breakfast sandwich special offers, to signs of direction, faith, sales, political banter, and even a bumper sticker on the car in front of me announcing, “I pooped today.” America loves signs. With all of the continual flow of economic and safety headlines, the signs from the moment I captured this image were telling: Gun Show, Firewood For Sale, and Nascar.

The only sign that appeared to be missing was a welcome mat.

love of obedience by admin

Obedience ©2013 Gary Garbett

Obedience ©2013 Gary Garbett

Over the past several weeks, I've spent a good amount of time working with our latest family addition. Without detailing the lists of new things that he's learning, it seems the best word to describe them all would be respect. Happiness, pride, dedication, and love each follow that "R" word pretty darn closely. Although he's not quite mastered all of his new skills yet, he's one happy boy who gets so excited with himself and absolutely loves doing the right thing. He also has a fond appreciation for peanut butter dog biscuits.

I think these past few weeks have been obedience training for myself as well. Perhaps I walk on two legs instead of four, but aside from those peanut butter treats, my list of things that make me the happiest aren't much different than Zero's. Good Boy.

grit and essence by admin

Havoc Arrives ©2013 Gary Garbett

Havoc Arrives ©2013 Gary Garbett

The most memorable photographs are seldom those with the sharpest amount of image detail or the ones with the most glamorous model posed with a sultry suggesting mood. Those images that best speak to me often do so with unintended grit, beautiful flaws, and an unstaged real life essence that draws me in and keeps me there. Those are the images with heart.

A successful photograph captures that very moment with sincere emotion.